FERCHER GmbH - Heatexchangers for Exhaustgas, Wastewater and Wasteir | Studies, Calculations, Consulting
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Machine-cooling water - heat recovery

In this application case, the hot waste-water is contamined with polystyrol particles (from cooling of molds).

Wärmetauscher Maschinenkühlwasser Industrie   Wärmetauscher Schmutz Partikel

If the production process has no need for warm water, the heat can be used to heat the factory facilities/offices or nearby buildings.

Abwasserwärmetauscher Abwasserwärme

Besides our standard products we offer specially designed (by your specifications) heatexchangers for exhaust-gas, waste-air and waste-water in every possible size and form.

Due to the open and pressureless film-flow of the Waste-Water the heatexchanger can be easily opened and cleaned without interruption of the heatexchanger operation.

In summer operation, the recovered heat is used to preheat boiler water, in winter operation the heat is used to support the heating of production facilities.

Applications of this size can reach heat-transfer-powers in the Megawatt range and have a mean Return on Investment of approximately 1 to 2 years.